Kym is an "Original" in 'The Art World'.
Born in the Hollywood. California , Ms. Ojala develped
a name in acting and modeling. Her talented artistic mother Doris Ojala, extended her intuitive heartfelt love
of art to Kym as a child. Born of Norweigian and Finnish decent. Kym developed also a Scandinavian
Flair, with a unique talent for colors and blending harmonicly. The artful journey of a flair
of her own Unique talent for painting began. Kym Ojala has become well celebrated and enjoyed by all
walks of life and always has a new suprise in her next painting. Keep your eyes on her, if you can.
Kym is enthralled with beauty of The State of Oregon
in which she now resides. With a love of photography Kym captures nature in its' most pure extent ! The combination of
her inward sight of interpetation and natural talent extends stunningly into her paintings.
Ms. Ojala and her dimentional forms of art reflect unique
, "one of a kind " Paintings. She has become reknown throughout the world and her ancestrial homeland of Scandinavia.
Her father Arvo Ojala, " The world Famous Hollywood fastdraw
instructor to the stars" first intoduced Kym to ":fastdraw" with a gun and one of his metal lined holsters. Ironicly
, Kyms' fast~draw is done with her she literally, "PAINTS THE SKY"!!!
With all the winds of life blowing her into the right
direction Kym is known by two names. The second one,
(Meant to be.)